I noticed a slight disturbance within my way of being one afternoon. I sent out a request to the Universe asking for its Divine Guidance.
During my walk in solitude while listening to the waves hitting the banks of the river, I received the answer to my dilemma. “Ask and you shall receive”. Trust in the magic of life and witness with awe and wonder.
When I feel forced to explain my perspective to another, which sends me into a feeling of discomfort, I find it better to stay quiet. I recognize that I cannot make the other understand. Why then must I speak or spend precious time that robs me of my centered way of being?
Reflect on the above, speak less and only when necessary, listen more to wholesome materials and live wholeheartedly protecting your senses at all times.

In the spirit of service
Prerna #quiet #solitude #retreat #contemplation #transformation #transformativesolutions #service #wisdom #blessingsonblessings

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